Sunday, July 22, 2012

Shuang Hor Lingzhi - Greenhouse Farm

Lingzhi is the best choice for improving health. Shuang Hor Supreme Lingzhi is your word-class Lingzhi experts since 1987. We provide you with the best Lingzhi. We are your Lingzhi expert.When you think of Lingzhi,think of Shuang Hor Lingzhi.

Shuang Hor Lingzhi group part 1

Shuang Hor Lingzhi group part 2

Shuang Hor Lingzhi group part 3

Shuang Hor Lingzhi group part 4

The power of lingzhi

Lingzhi - Most Powerful Herb Known To Mankind

Lingzhi(Red Reishi):Miraculous King of Herbs

Red Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum), commonly known as Ling Zhi in Chinese, is a herbal mushroom known to have miraculous health benefits. It has been used in Japan and China for over 2,000 years and thus making it the oldest mushroom known to have been used as medicine. Since ancient times, the Reishi mushroom was reserved for emperors and royalties.

It has been revered as nature's rarest and most beneficial herb. In the Superior category of Shen Nung Ben Cao Jing, the oldest and most famous medical text on Oriental herbal medicine, red Reishi is ranked as the number one herb, ahead of ginseng, because of its following qualities:
1. It is non-toxic and can be taken daily without producing any side effects.
2. When it is taken regularly, it can restore the body to its natural state, enabling all organs to function normally.
3. Immune modulator - regulates and fine tunes the immune system.

What are the benefits of Reishi?
Red Reishi is primarily composed of complex carbohydrates called water-soluble polysaccharides, triterpenes, proteins and amino acids. Researchers have identified that water-soluble polysaccharides are the most active element found in Red Reishi that have anti-tumour, immune modulating and blood pressure lowering effects. Another major active ingredient found in Red Reishi are triterpenes, called ganoderic acids.

Preliminary studies indicated that ganoderic acids help alleviate common allergies by inhibiting histamine release, improve oxygen utilization and improve liver functions. Triterpenes are bitter in taste and the level of the triterpene content contained in a product can be determined by the bitterness. Regular consumption of red Reishi can enhance our body's immune system and improve blood circulation, thus improving better health conditions. Generally, Reishi is recommended as an immune modulator and a general tonic. Red Reishi is also used to help treat anxiety, high blood pressure, hepatitis, bronchitis, insomnia, and asthma etc.

Ganoderma Lucidum - Power Food of the Ages PART 1

Ganoderma Lucidum - Power Food of the Ages PART 2

Ganoderma Lucidum - Power Food of the Ages PART 3

Dr. Krolls talk is entitled Ganoderma Lucidum Power Food of The Ages.

Scientific studies and therapeutic usage
Ganoderma lucidum may possess some anti-tumor, immunomodulatory and immunotherapeutic activities, supported by some studies on polysaccharides, terpenes, and other bioactive compounds isolated from fruiting bodies and mycelia of this fungus (reviewed by R. R. Paterson).

Laboratory studies have shown anti-neoplastic effects of fungal extracts or isolated compounds against some types of cancer. In an animal model, Ganoderma lucidum has been reported to prevent cancer metastasis, with potency comparable to Lentinan from shiitake mushrooms.

The mechanisms by which Ganoderma lucidum may affect cancer are unknown and may target different stages of cancer development: inhibition of angiogenesis (formation of arterial vessels within the tumour) mediated by cytokines, cytoxicity, inhibiting migration of the cancer cells and metastasis, and inducing and enhancing apoptosis of tumor cells.

Variation between preparations and potential negative side effects may exist. Ganoderma lucidum extracts may be adaptogenic, anti-allergenic and anti-hypertensive due to the presence of triterpenes. Apart from these properties, ganoderma lucidum has been found to be anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, antidiabetic, anti-hypotensive, and protective of the liver. It has also been found to inhibit platelet aggregation, and to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar.

Ganoderma Lucidum may act as a blood pressure stabilizer, antioxidant, analgesic, a kidney and nerve tonic. It has been used in bronchitis prevention and in cardiovascular treatment, and in the treatment of high triglycerides, high blood pressure, hepatitis, allergies, chemotherapy support, HIV support, and fatigue and altitude sickness.

Peer-reviewed studies indicate that ganoderic acid has some protective effects against liver injury by viruses and other toxic agents in mice, suggesting a potential benefit of this compound in the treatment of liver diseases in humans.

Several Ganoderma lucidum species have been used in traditional Asian medicines for thousands of years. Today, they are being tested for a variety of potential therapeutic application:

anticancer properties
immunoregulatory properties
antioxidant activity
liver-protective properties
hypoglycemic properties
antibacterial properties
antiviral properties
antifungal properties
reducing blood cholesterol
inhibiting blood vessel regeneration (angiogenesis)
antifibrotic properties
protection against radiation-induced damage
reducing lower urinary tract symptoms
increasing endurance for vigorous exercise

Ganoderma Lucidum Preparation
Ganoderma lucidum is traditionally prepared by simmering in water. Thinly sliced or pulverized ganoderma lucidum (either fresh or dried) is added to a pot of boiling water, the water is then brought to a simmer, and the pot is covered; the ganoderma lucidum is then simmered for two hours. The resulting liquid should be fairly bitter in taste, with the more active red ganoderma lucidum more bitter than the black. The process may be repeated. Alternatively, it can be used as an ingredient in a formula decoction or used to make an extract (in liquid, capsule, or powder form). The more active red forms of ganoderma lucidum are far too bitter to be consumed in a soup, as long cooked shiitake mushrooms might be.

Alcohol extractions have also been found to have various medicinal effects, including antiviral properties in a number of scientific studies. From a scientific perspective, ganoderma lucidum tinctures may be more effective than lingzhi teas for some diseases, despite the prevalence of teas in traditional Chinese medicine.

Why Lingzhi is not effective for Some People?

The person did not take Lingzhi regularly or he didn't follow the recommended dosage.

Different brand produce different results.

Consulted those who are not in the trade or wrong advice from those do not know lingzhi well.

2 effective ingredients are not declare at the box i.e."Triterpenoids" and "Polysaccharides".Only Shuang Hor Lingzhi have these 2 ingredients declare on their boxes.

99% of Triterpenoids(Bitterness) are found at Lingzhi.Mycelium and Crack Pores are not bitter.

Shuang Hor occupied 80% of world Lingzhi market and this is the ONLY company to invent millions of dollars to have dual phase extraction of precious Lingzhi ingredients.

The person stopped taking when vertigo reactions(healing crisis) occurred.
The diet, exercise and lifestyle(late sleep daily) of this person is not well regulated.

The person has suffered from an illness for a very long time or too many chemical drugs have been used. The toxins within the body need a longer time to be fully discharged.

The severity of the symptoms varies after taking Lingzhi. The person may lose his confidence and hence stop taking it. In fact, they do not understand that when the disease has not been completely cured, there will be an oscillating phenomenon. The pain and symptoms will be alleviated gradually. The person should continue to consume Lingzhi.

Psychological factors: the person stops consumption upon listening to negative comments of others.

It is important to consume sufficient dosage consistently over a duration of 3 to 6 months to experience the full healing effects of Lingzhi.

Shuang Hor is the only company in the world to posses Lingzhi Science Museum.

Accreditations and Endorsements for Shuang Hor Lingzhi

Japan Health Food Association. This is something Shuang Hor is proud of because it is not easy for a foreign health product to penetrate into the Japanese market. Japan is a country which is well known to have high quality lingzhi, which it calls reishi.

Health Science Authority of Singapore.

Ministry of Health, Taiwan
Shuang Hor's lingzhi has also been endorsed by the Health Ministry of Taiwan.
The above certificate is Immuno-Regulatory Health Food Accreditation. Based on the results of experiments carried out on animals and in vitro (outside the body) tests, it has the functions as below:
Helps promote the production of antibodies
Helps enhance the production of immune cells
Helps modulate the functions of T-cells
Helps promote the vitality of natural killer cells
Helps promote the vitality of phagocytes.

Liver Function Food Accreditation.
Based on the results of animal tests, in which carbon tetrachloride was used to inflict damage on mouse liver, Shuang Hor's lingzhi has the functions as shown below:
Helps reduce the indices of GOT and GPT. These are trans-aminase enzymes which are released by the liver if any of the liver cells die or are injured. If your GOT or GPT readings are high, that means that you have some form of injury or infection on your liver.

Shuang Hor's lingzhi can repair those damaged cells.
Helps increase the protein content in the liver. This means Shuang Hor's lingzhi can help improve and increase the regenerating ability of your healthy liver cells.

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

ISO 9001:2008

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